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 what's up champs welcome to today's video my name is john peterson i'm  a full-time seven figure amazon seller and in today's video i'm excited to be breaking down  the three reasons why you shouldn't start an amazon fba business now that might sound like  i'm contradicting myself i'm saying i'm excited to tell you to not start an amazon business and  that's not what this video is about i'm just more excited to help you understand whether or not  amazon is a good fit for you or not if i can save you time thousands of dollars that is the  purpose of this video or if i can motivate you to get going and you make thousands of dollars  that is a win-win in my opinion so let's dive into it the first reason and before just do me  a favor like the video subscribe to the channel drop a comment your guys support means the world  so the first reason of why you shouldn't start an amazon business is the pure fact that you don't  have enough capital to get things up and going i recommend having at least four thousand dollars  the more the better if you have a little less you probably can make it work but if you only  have maybe a couple hundred bucks or a thousand bucks doing private label is going to be very  difficult so what i recommend doing if you're in that situation and you're still like hey i want to  get going with amazon start with what's called retail arbitrage you can actually go to like  walmart target i have a few videos with my brother where we kind of break down the entire process  it's a great way where you can start with 100 bucks you can flip that to 200 300 to  then a thousand to then 2000 to then where you have enough to then start a private label brand  so if you guys are interested i'll link those videos down below but that is the first reasons  why you shouldn't start is if you don't have the capital it's gonna be very difficult and if you're  the type of person where you're like hey i only have four thousand dollars to my name and if i  lose this money my life is over if that's you i probably wouldn't recommend it okay you have to  understand that there is some risk there's no guaranteed path to success so if you're like i  can't lose this money and if i do i'm going to die please do not sell on amazon there's always risk  involved when starting a business and i just want to set that expectation very clear that  you do need to have some money and you do have to have money in order to make money you're  starting a business this is not just voila you're making a bunch of money you have to have a budget  and a starting capital in order to get going so that's the first reason why you shouldn't start  an amazon business all right so the second reason why you shouldn't start an amazon fba business is  if you think it's going to be easy i've seen this so many times where people see and hear what i do  i tell them i sell on amazon and they think that i'm just like making money doing nothing and they  think it's super easy to just oh i'm going to get this product i'm going to list it on amazon and  boom i'm making a million bucks i hate to break it to you it takes a lot of hard work it takes  discipline it takes patience and it takes a lot of sacrifice and if you're not willing to put in the  work then don't even start a business in general i'm not even just talking about amazon any type  of business that you get up and going is going to take a lot of effort and i've seen that with  a lot of people they get involved with amazon and they're like oh i didn't realize that you had to  do this i didn't require it it was so much work and yeah that's just business in general so if  you understand that going into it you're going to be way more successful you also need to understand  that you're building a long-term business you're not just in this for a month a two  months six months you're in this for 10 20 years you're in this to have a potential exit in three  years for a million plus dollars and if you know that going into it then you're way further ahead  than half the people that get going because half the people that get going they're in a  situation where they may not like their nine to five and i was right there with you i hated  my nine to five and i wanted to find a way to replace it and most people think that they're  gonna replace it in a matter of a few weeks or in a matter of a month and it just doesn't happen  like that you have to put in the time you have to be willing to make those sacrifices and once you  do make those sacrifices that's when the reward pays off so understand that going into amazon  it's not easy it doesn't happen overnight it's not a get rich quick scheme it takes a lot of  effort and if you can do that then the reward and the potential is limitless and i've seen  that with my own business i've been selling on amazon for three and a half years it took me six  months to quit my nine to five and i was working harder than i've ever worked i was working from  literally like seven o'clock in the morning to six with my nine to five i was working more than the  traditional nine to five and then when i got home i was working until two o'clock in the morning i  literally like didn't have a life i was just dedicating everything to my business and if you  guys can do that then that's where you're going to see a massive payout so that is the second reason  why you shouldn't sell and if you're willing to get down and dirty and get to work and sell  on amazon and i want you guys to be a part of my community i want you guys to be a student if you  guys are interested go down below i want students that are motivated that are fired  up that are willing to take action i don't want people that are sitting on the sidelines  waiting and watching things happen so if you're an action taker i want you in as a  student i want you part of the weekly live calls i want to help you through the entire process so  if you have that mindset that motivation you understand it long term then selling on amazon  may be a really good fit for you and the third and last reason of why you shouldn't start an amazon  business is if you're a quitter if you have a mindset of oh i'm just gonna give up ah this is  a scam this doesn't work oh this is too hard oh i give up oh i failed i i can't fail again if that's  you then don't start amazon as a matter of fact don't start any business you need to understand  that the most successful people fail they fail they pick themselves back up they learn from their  mistakes and they continue moving forward and i don't know one single amazon seller that hasn't  made a massive mistake that hasn't taken a big l and turned it into a positive every single amazon  seller does that they take what they've been given they learn from the mistakes and they just move on  if you guys have watched my youtube channel i have a video breaking down my first eight products that  i completely failed i flopped and most people give up after one most people don't they give up before  one let alone eight so if you have the mindset of hey i'm gonna go into this and i'm just gonna make  it work and i'm not gonna give up i'm not gonna quit then amazon's for you but most people don't  have that mindset and they can't deal with failing and they can't deal with maybe losing a little bit  of money on a product that they launched if you can't deal with that then just avoid amazon avoid  starting a business maybe working for somebody is the safer option for you but if you're willing  to risk a little bit risk your time risk a little bit of money if you're willing to put in the work  the hustle then amazon is an amazing opportunity and like i mentioned before those are the people  that i want to surround myself with those are the students that i want to work with and so if you  are motivated you have that mindset you're light years ahead of the majority of people and that's  what's going to set yourself up for success and that's what's going to enable you to have success  all of this stuff that i'm talking about with like product research these little hacks none of those  do any good unless you have your mind right first if you don't have your mind right and if you don't  do the things the basics then i don't care who you are you're not gonna you're not gonna succeed so i  hope you guys enjoyed today's video breaking down the three reasons why you shouldn't and i hope  that if you fell into one of those three things and and you don't have those three qualities then  i i hope that you avoid amazon but if you have those three attributes like dude i'm gonna take  this thing like by the horns and i'm gonna make it happen and if that's you then go make it happen  i hope you guys enjoyed like the video subscribe drop a comment and we'll see you in the next video